Dirtbikers don’t categorize the time of year by the weather. Instead we use terminology like riding season, racing season, supercross season, and dust season. But we have a new one prominent in our world now, and that’s grant writing season. PROJECT ONE Peavine Maze Connectivity - Phase 1 There’s been some talk about the concept of this project all year long, ever since we learned about Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship’s amazing plan to construct 300 miles of motorized singletrack connecting 15 small communities in the mountains directly West of us from Reno. But now we aren’t just talking the talk anymore – we’re walking the walk, literally. Planning trail routes on natural ground requires some walking. It also requires a lot of phone calls and meetings with the Forest Service, professional trail builders and engineers. With this project we wanted to learn from the best, so we are working directly with Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship’s trail whisperer, Kurt Gensheimer, who is both a dirtbike and a mountain bike rider and a singletrack purist. The Forest Service is in full support and looking forward to our developments. This project alone will get its own blog post with more specific details about the four new pieces of legit singletrack that RAD will develop to enhance the maze’s connectivity with Mitchell Canyon to the northwest, and more excitingly, southwest into California to connect with SBTS’s developing trail system – all without touching any doubletrack roads. Phase I of this project will consist of completing the surveys required by the Forest Service and forming the official trail alignment and construction plans. We will pursue funding from the federally-funded Recreational Trails Program for the significant portion of these costs, and a small amount of funding from the Nevada OHV Commission for the remaining costs required to be matched for the RTP program. These applications are due mid-November and we are jamming to get everything figured out and written before this deadline. #makeradtrails PROJECT TWO Peavine Maze Maintenance - Round 2 We put our RAD sign up with permanent concrete, so we’re committed now! Next year we will continue the maintenance of the maze trails, expanding out to a few trails that were not included with this year’s maintenance. Several trails are so wide and whooped out that they are just low hanging fruit for unwelcomed 4-wheel access (we’re looking at you, #307). On some of the more challenging trails (#301), we will preserve its technical nature and focus on narrowing and adding some additional features to satisfy the palate of the more advanced riders. With regard to the #304 trail and its giant mud bog at the creek crossing that will swallow your bike (which currently has a temporary trail-fairy bridge), we had an extensive discussion with the Forest Service. Due to the fact that this creek drains to the Truckee, the environmental costs and Forest Service engineer cost just to construct a legal bridge in compliance with Forest Service standards would cost upwards of $100,000. Ridiculous. Accordingly, the Forest Service has agreed to allow us to cut a new trail which stays on the other side of the creek to bypass this water crossing all together (still pending our submission of the exact trail cut location, which cannot be too far out of original alignment). As a result of our commitment to maze maintenance, the Forest Service has asked us to pick the official classifications for these trails to assist with their update of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. This helps establish further permanency and protection of this trail system and we have the reins with deciding how the trails should be kept. This is a major win for dirtbikers. We will apply for continued funding from the Nevada OHV Commission, and potentially from the Yamaha program as well. #keeptrailsrad #savethesingletrack PROJECT THREE Moonrocks Singletrack Preservation - Phase 1 If you are a follower of this blog, you have heard us talk about our lack of ability to perform any trail work whatsoever on BLM land of Nevada due to the fact that the BLM hasn’t updated their resource database. With this we had two options: We could grow old waiting around for Washington DC to prioritize funding for Nevada BLM updates…. or we could pick an area that we specifically want to see maintained and developed to our benefit, pursue the funding, and hire contractors to do the requisite survey work in compliance with BLM requirements. We met with the current representative of the Sierra Front Office in Carson to flesh this problem out and come to a solution. Focusing exclusively on the singletracks, we will fill in the gaps where the BLM lacks surveys. Ultimately, this will lead to a green light for trail maintenance and enhancement. Our main big picture goal is to address everyone’s complaint about his heavily used area: correct the trails blown out by the quads and side-by-sides and keep the singletrack single track. Additionally, the BLM authorized us to install signs at trail intersections to indicate that the trails are for motorcycle use in 2021. #win Similar to the Peavine Maze Connectivity project, our funding strategy for this project will be to apply for an RTP grant for the bulk of the costs and a Nevada OHV grant for the remaining match costs. #keeptrailsrad #savethesingletrack PROJECT FOUR RAD Communities This project is designed to be a win-win-win for RAD, the OHV Commission and the public lands. In 2021 we will host quarterly OHV registration drives. Lacey has a perverse affection for tedious paperwork and is also a notary, so four times a year we will set up shop at a trailhead and help anyone and everyone with all OHV titling and/or registration matters (including VIN inspections) and send the paperwork in for you. We understand that in most cases, it isn’t the nominal $21 registration fee which stops you from registering – it’s the paperwork hurdles (particularly if you purchased an out-of-state bike or have a title issue) and mailing it all in to the DMV for their scrutiny that is sometimes too much of a hassle. These events will allow you to bring your situation to us and we will get it sorted out and done right there. Remember, 100% of all OHV registration dollars goes to fund grant projects for RAD and other similar user groups who apply. The more people who register, the more grant money is available for trail projects – simple as that. No secret motive there. Help fund more trail projects. In addition, we are going to host two more major community clean-ups in 2021 (like the ones we did for Horizon Hills and Golden Valley) and also pay for the placement of a dumpster at Moonrocks on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends to help reduce the waste occurring on those busy holidays. Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful will support our efforts with these clean-ups as well. Giving back to the communities through these clean-ups in 2020 has really advanced the reputation of dirtbikers as good stewards of the free lands, and we believe it is important to continue this positive momentum and be part of the illegal dumping solution. We also would like to say how proud we are of our membership for the 590 total man hours spent exclusively on clean-ups in 2020. Of course, all of these projects are contingent on successful grant applications and there's no guarantees at this point. But this is part of the real work it takes to build a bigger footprint, make a positive impact, and be the difference you want to see in your backyard.
And we are still only getting started. #theradmovement
12/9/2020 05:20:51 pm
I think that there is a stigma that dirt bikes are dangerous, and I want to change that. There is no such thing as danger when it comes to something that you are properly prepared for. If you think that this is dangerous, then that is because of your lack of preparation. This project is just what we need in order to make this thinking go away. We have to use your project to make the most out of what we have, man.
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9/25/2024 01:24:03 am
Great overview of the RAD Projects for 2021! It's inspiring to see such innovative initiatives aimed at improving our communities. I’m particularly excited about the focus on sustainability and how these projects can foster local engagement. Looking forward to seeing the positive impact they will have in the coming years!
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