Make sure your bike is in top shape and show up with a full tank and a freshly lubed chain.
Begin a hydration regimen at least a week in advance.
Be prepared for any kind of weather. Bring cold/rainy weather clothes and gear even if you think it will be hot and dusty, and bring warm weather clothes and gear even if you think it will be chilly. Conditions are always changing up there.
Give yourself extra time the day of the race and show up as early as possible. To be ready at the riders meeting at 9:30, we recommend being on site no later than 7:30 to allow ample time to check in with race officials and get your transponder, drop off supplies and coordinate with us for your pit needs, deal with any last minute surprises, and physically and mentally get ready for your race.
To save yourself time on a hectic race morning, go through the tech process with your bike on Friday afternoon instead of the day of your race.
Supplies we recommend bringing for your pit: Full gas jug, extra 1-2 gallons of water for your camelbak, extra goggles and tear-offs, any supplements you want to consume (e.g., an electrolyte beverage, energy goo or banana), and any spare parts you think might save you from a DNF if something happens (e.g., spare levers, tube, brake or shift peddle, etc.).
Consolidate your items in a milk crate or something of similar size. Put things you want to keep dust-free in a ziplock bag. RAD will label your crate and your gas can for uniformity and quick reference.